#3 new

IO object fails with method GET

Reported by deanoj | October 13th, 2010 @ 08:58 AM

URL params are undefined is using GET method.


if(this.options.method.toLowerCase() == 'get') {

// url += (url.indexOf('?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?' + params;
// bug fix by deanoj. params are undefined.
url += (url.indexOf('?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?' + base.toQueryString(this.options.params);


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baseJS is a lightweight Javascript framework intended for use with Mobile Safari on the iPhone and iPod Touch; it also
works with Firefox and all WebKit-based browsers. By providing shortcuts and reusable methods, baseJS helps you write
code to be lightweight and extendable—perfect for the mobile web.

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